Paolo Dalponte
Paolo Dalponte was born in Poia di Lomaso the 15th of April 1958. He attended the National Applied Art Institute “A. Vittoria” of Trento, where graduated with the highest marks. Since the half 70s he dedicated himself to oil on canvas tecnique and about ten years later also to the graphic arts. Since 1989 is a member “Andromeda” Art Studio of Trento and deals successfully with the comic graphic art, receiving several honors and awards in Italy and abroad (Belgrade, Antares- Turkey, Kaliningrad-Russia, Marostica, Bordighera, Presov-Slovakia Rep., Iran, Beijing, Odessa-Ukraine, Surgut-Siberia. In 1992 he created for Edizioni Arca of Trento the game “Trentatretrentini”.
In 1998 made the book “Disegni di segni”, which thanks to he won the “Palma d’Oro” of Bordighera.
From 1998 to 2008 the artist collaborated with Smemoranda. In 2005 design the calendar for the “Istituto Trentino delle Assicurazioni ITAS”. In 2006 is responsible for the Immage communication of the SAT County Congress SAT. He also collaborated with Edizioni Rendena, Akena, Edizioni Curcu e Genovese, Plusco. He taught for painting coursed of pencil drawing an oil on canvass for several evening class.
To mention some of his several solo exhibition located in Trento, Bologna, Innsbruck, Luxemburg, Novy Jicin- Czech Rep., Novellara, Istanbul, Tehran, Soncino, Caldaro, Milan, Bribaudon- France.
By mean of his works, the artist wants to lightly introduce us in a indeed personal poetic World. He renders in an ironic way, through techniques like oil on canvas, acrylics, pencil drawing, watercolors and Indian ink drawing, subjects and patterns which become thoughts and free links' boxes; all of this following the everlasting strand of the historical Surrealism, brought to this day and age thanks to the use of ironic subjects, sometimes with sharp and polished humor. His world seems without geographical or historical borderlines, in a just shuffled and striking reality.
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